UW-Green Bay has more than 36,000 alumni who have been in your shoes! We asked alumni to share some wisdom for incoming freshman, but all students can learn a thing or two from what they shared…
“Take advantage of your professors’ office hours! They might seem intimidating, but they really do want to help you understand the material.” — Alex Stodola ‘08
“That weird document called a syllabus…you’re going to want to hang on to that one. It’s a keeper. Maybe give it a once over too.” — Benjamin Royer ‘11
“You got this. Before you know it, UW-Green Bay will feel like home and you’ll have made friends for life and knowledge and experience to propel you to your dreams.” — Jena Landers ‘13
“Join a club! It’s a great way to make friends!” — Sarah Busko ‘16
“College is an adventure — take advantage of free events on campus to meet new people and really get the most of your time here. GB was a life changing experience for me and I hope it is for you to.” — Jen Ostman ‘13
“Studies first, fun second. You have to do well and maintain grades while enjoying your time. Great time to learn balance and priorities to help you succeed in the future.” — Jennifer Kaye ‘98
“Make sure to visit the trails around campus, they are awesome!” — Elizabeth Smeaton ‘14
“Be resourceful… you have a lot of staff and faculty who want to help you succeed!” — Jamee Haslam ‘00