Take scroll through snapshots of 2016 with the most popular Instagrams of each month from UWGB’s Instagram…
January 2016
“A fresh blanket of #gbsnow for a new semester!
📷 via: @salscherzer”
February 2016
“Campus remains open, but classes beginning after 4 p.m. are cancelled. See your UWGB email inbox for more information! Be safe, Phoenix! #blackandwhite #gbsnow #uwgb #wiwx”
March 2016
“@gbphoenixmbb is dusting off the dancing shoes after 20 years!”
April 2016
“Shoutout to Earth… And campus in spring!
Photo from May 2015
May 2016
“Looking good, class of 2016! #gbgrad”
June 2016
“Get the Scoop: a sign of summer”
July 2016
“U-W-G-B! 🎆 📷: Rachel Lokken, via Facebook”
August 2016
“Alumnus Kevin Wellens singing the national anthem in front of last night’s @lambeaufield crowd”
September 2016
“A first day of classes rainbow!”
October 2016
“Beauty as far as the 👁 can see! #gbtrees
Photo credit: @lesliewalfish”
November 2016
December 2016
“Congratulations to all of today’s grads, and thank you to all of their friends and family for all of their support! #gbgrad”
Follow along for all the ‘grammable moments of 2017 by following UWGB on Instagram, or share your own moments by using #uwgb!