A: Textbooks may be ordered through The Phoenix Bookstore in a few different ways…
1. Purchase textbooks in person.
Bring your schedule to the store after August 21, peruse the shelves and purchase your books. Staff is available to help you! You can pay with cash, check, VISA, MasterCard, Pass Points or your SIS account. You will need your student ID to charge to your SIS account and/or rent textbooks.
2. EZ Books — Order online, pickup in store for FREE.
Through The Phoenix Bookstore website: Click this link (or go to www.ThePhoenixBookstore.com and click on “Textbooks”) with your schedule on hand! Select the correct term, department and section of your class. The section is very important! Click “Add Course”. Repeat these steps until all the classes from your schedule are entered. Once your current course list in the right box is complete, click “Get Course Materials”. The required and recommended books for the requested classes will be displayed. Select the preferred book choice (new, used, rental, eBook) for each class and add to your cart. Continue through the checkout. Under the delivery method, select “Pick up at the Store”. Once the process is complete and you have successfully placed the order, you will see an order number and receive an email confirmation. You may then pick up your books at The Phoenix Bookstore from August 31 — September 8.
Through your SIS account: Log on to your SIS account. Click on “order books” located under the student links section found on the left side of the page. Highlight the term. Click “Order Books”. This will take you to The Phoenix Bookstore website. The required and recommended books for the classes in which you are enrolled will be displayed. Select the preferred book choice (new, used, rental, eBook) for each class and add to your cart. When all materials are selected, click the shopping cart. Continue through the checkout. On the top left, click the “Pick Up At Store” button. Once the process is complete and you have successfully placed the order, you will see an order number and receive an email confirmation.
3. Order online and have textbooks shipped to you for a cost.
Through The Phoenix Bookstore website: Click this link (or go to www.ThePhoenixBookstore.com and click on “Textbooks”) with your schedule on hand! Select the correct term, department and section of your class. The section is very important! Click “Add Course”. Repeat these steps until all the classes from your schedule are entered. Once your current course list in the right hand box is complete, click “Get Course Materials”. The required and recommended books for the requested classes will be displayed. Select the preferred book choice (new, used, rental, eBook) for each class and add to your cart. Continue through the checkout. Under the delivery method, use the drop down box and select “parcel freight.” Once the process is complete and you have successfully placed the order, you will see an order number and receive an email confirmation.
Through your SIS account: Log on to your SIS account. Click on “order books” located under the student links section found on the left hand side of the page. Highlight the term. Click “Order Books”. This will take you to The Phoenix Bookstore website. The required and recommended books for the classes in which you are enrolled will be displayed. Select the preferred book choice (new, used, rental, eBook) for each class and add to your cart. When all materials are selected, click the shopping cart. Continue through the checkout. Under the delivery method, use the drop down box and select “parcel freight.”
FYI: The last day to return textbooks is September 12, 2017. An additional week will be granted for dropped classes. A receipt is required, and all items must be in original purchase condition. If you have any questions, contact The Phoenix Bookstore customer care at 1–800–321-UWGB or 920-465–2323.