How to Stay Healthy During Finals Week

3 min readDec 12, 2017


By: Emily Burger (senior human biology major — emphases in nutritional science/dietetics and exercise science and UWGB Wellness Committee Intern)

The library is full, students are stressed, and you’re wearing the same pair of sweatpants you wore to bed last night… It must be finals week. With all of the last minute studying and presentations, who has time to think about staying healthy? I know it seems impossible and irrelevant, but if you try to stay healthy during finals it may actually help your grades more than you know! Make sure you make it to break feeling good by following this tips.

· Get enough sleep

I know it seems like a good idea to stay up all night to study for that final, but it might actually make your grade worse. According to Dr. Keith Willmore, medical director of the BYU Student Health Center, college students who don’t get enough sleep are more likely of losing academic success. Start studying ASAP so you don’t have to stay up all night studying!

· Eat Healthy

Eating healthy during a normal week can be hard for college students, let alone finals week, but hear me out. Healthy foods including vegetables, fruits, 100% whole grains, beans and legumes, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products can actually help give you energy you need to study. Some quick and brain-boosting snacks are: nuts with piece of fruit or a string cheese, air-popped popcorn with some dark chocolate drizzled on top, or a hard boiled egg with some baby carrots.

· Relieve Some Stress

Stress is not uncommon for college students, but during finals week you can just feel it in the air. Relieving stress will help improve your mood and keep you healthy. Too much stress can cause anxiety, headaches, insomnia, irritability, and even depression. Some ways to relieve stress include exercise, journaling, laughing with friends, avoiding procrastination, and listening to your favorite music.

· Get Outside

I know I know, it’s cold and going outside is the last thing you want to do, but it can help keep you healthy. Getting outside for just a little bit can help your concentration, make you happier, and give you some vitamin D. Try to walk outside instead of using the tunnels or take a study break to go make a snow angel!

Now let’s stay healthy and kill it on our finals!


Meredith , K. (2016, September 6). Health officials say lack of sleep can negatively affect students’ grades. Retrieved December 01, 2017, from

Pietrangelo , A., & Watson, S. (2017, June 05). The Effects of Stress on Your Body. Retrieved December 06, 2017, from




Written by UWGB

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