Four commencement photo-opp spots to make the most of Saturday’s inclement weather forecast

By UW-Green Bay Photography Intern, Liesl Sigourney

3 min readMay 17, 2019

The weather forecast predicted for this Saturday, May 18th, on the day of UW-Green Bay’s Spring 2019 Commencement ceremony is looking…not so great. A chance of rain makes unfavorable conditions for taking photos outdoors on your big day.

Fortunately, there are many great locations indoors around the UW-Green Bay campus that are perfect for taking graduation photos! Here is a list of some of our favorite spots:

  1. The #uwgbwings
Hallway between Cofrin Library and Student Services-first floor

The wings located in the first-floor concourse in the hallway between the Cofrin Library and Student Services is a great photo opportunity for the graduating class of 2019. The students can show their Phoenix pride by standing in the middle of two wings while in their cap and gown. Beneath the wings read “Be a Phoenix. We supply the wings until you find your own.” I think it is safe to say, Saturday’s graduates have found their wings!

2. UW-Green Bay Signage

There are multiple spots in the tunnels of UW-Green Bay that have beautiful painted signage that bear the logo of the University that make excellent spots for graduation pictures:

Instructional Services-first floor
Mary Ann Cofrin Hall-second floor
Rose Hall-first floor

3. The Winter Garden/MAC Hall

The Winter Garden, located in Mary Ann Cofrin-2nd floor

The Winter Garden located on the 2nd floor of Mary Ann Cofrin Hall is another great place on campus to take some beautiful graduation pictures. The large windows overlooking the Lenfesty Family Courtyard provide the perfect backdrop for any picture.

Additionally, right around the corner from the Winter Garden is a large balcony with large windows in the background that also make an excellent spot for pictures.

Mary Ann Cofrin Hall, second floor (right around the corner from The Winter Garden)
The Library Commons, Second FLoor Cofrin Library

4. The Library Commons

The Library Commons on the second floor of the library has natural light and fun furniture! It’s great almost as great of a spot for photos as it is for studying.

Class of 2019, don’t let your hard work go unnoticed! Take advantage of these locations and document your achievements! Make sure to use the hashtag #gbgrad when sharing your graduation pictures on social media.

Congratulations graduates and best of luck on your future endeavors!




Written by UWGB

University of Wisconsin-Green Bay| Four campuses, one University | FB: /uwgreenbay | Twitter: uwgb | Instagram: uwgb | Higher Education Partner of The Packers

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