Campus Resources for Students in Need
By UWGB Marketing and University Communication Social Media Assistant Anna Katner
The University of Wisconsin–Green Bay offers a variety of resources for students in need. The Career Closet, Phlash Meals and CK One provide food, clothing, interview attire, household items, dining credits and more.
The Career Closet provides current students with professional attire for interviews, networking events and other occasions where they need to make a positive first impression.
The Career Closet is located in Career Services, Student services Building Suite 1600. Students may visit the Closet between the hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
If you are considering a donation to the Career Closet, they accept new and gently used suits, pants, dress shirts, blouses, suit/sport jackets, skirts, dresses, scarves, neckties and belts. Be sure that the attire is clean and in ready-to-wear condition.
PHLASH Meals provide students in need of a meal with five on-campus meals per request. Requests may be made once a month. Meals are usually available within 24 hours and can be used at any on-campus dining location.
If accessing a meal at the Marketplace inside the Cloud Commons, meals will be available when swiping your ID. At any other campus dining location, students should indicate they are using a “transfer meal.”
Meals may be requested here.
The Campus Cupboard and Clothes Closet is a student organization with the mission of providing an on-campus food pantry and clothing closet and cleaning/personal hygiene products to ensure adequate basic needs are met of all students, faculty and staff.
The Campus Cupboard and Clothes Closet are located in CK One, Rose Hall 140 (in the concourse section between Wood and Rose Halls).
Students, staff and faculty may use their university ID’s to access CK One, using a card swipe, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.
If you would like to volunteer, attend an organization meeting, or provide donations to the cupboard and closet, email: