List compiled by: Hannah Buege, former Social Media & Design Intern and ’16 alumna
With Commencement quickly approaching, see how many items you can check off of this #gbgrad bucket list…
1. Watch a sunset over the bay
Campus land extends to the bay. Head over to Communiversity Park to see the great view. Pro tip: It’s even better at sunset!
2. Thank a professor
Don’t forget to tell your favorite professor how much you appreciate all they’ve done for you during your time at UWGB.
3. Check out the view from the 8th floor of the library
You can see all of campus — and Lambeau Field!
4. Visit Lambeau Field
You can’t live in Titletown without visiting this historic stadium at least once! Take a tour of Lambeau Field, check out the Packers Pro Shop, or grab lunch at 1919 Kitchen & Tap.
5. Play disc golf
Grab your friends and head over to the nine-hole disc golf course for some fun!
6. Eat lunch on the Student Services Plaza
What’s better than eating lunch outside on a gorgeous spring day?
7. Visit Bay Beach
The park is open May through September, (It just opened!) and includes many fun rides, such as the Zippin Pippin (which was Elvis Presley’s favorite roller coaster.) Bonus: Tickets only cost 25 cents, and the Zippin Pippin costs only a dollar to ride!
8. Walk the arboretum trails
Explore over six-miles of nature trails that surround campus.
9. Share your #uwgb memories on Instagram
Just add “#uwgb” to your post — it’s that easy!
10. Visit Career Services for resume help
Being an adult can seem like a challenge. Luckily, Career Services is here to help you create a resume, prepare for an interview or answer any of your post-grad related questions.
11. Take a selfie with the chancellor
A must have photo for every Phoenix.
12. Pick out shoes to throw in the shoe tree
Make sure to pick out the perfect pair of shoes to throw into the shoe tree upon graduation — it’s a UWGB tradition!
13. Learn the words to the alma mater
Be prepared to sing along at Commencement. Listen here.
14. Use student discount at off-campus vendors
One of the many perks of being a student that you won’t have for long!
15. Take a class at the Kress
Grab your work out buddy and head over to the Kress Events Center for a variety of workout classes including barre, bootcamp, and yoga. Here’s the Finals Week schedule.
16. Have a Campus Chiller from Common Grounds Coffeehouse
A delicious blend of Oreos, white chocolate, and ice cream — A campus favorite! 😋
17. Explore the Wildlife Sanctuary
Deer, geese, wolves, oh my! You really otter visit this sanctuary located nearby campus at least once before graduating.
18. Visit your favorite spots in town
Have a favorite coffee shop, park, trail, or restaurant? If you’re leaving the area after graduation, make sure to make a visit to your favorite places in Green Bay!
19. Stop by the Phoenix Boostore and stock-up
You can finally by the gear that reads “Alumni!”
20. [Insert your bucket list item here.]
Share what is on your bucekt list by posting with #gbgrad!